The Entrance to the Woodland Realm of Shol Lomenar
- Rushing, crashing river.
- Glittering stone pillars.
- Rich green smells.
The starlings are ancient guardians of the King’s Gate. They will dive-bomb trespassers and try to drive them off the bridge and into the river. They maintain their oaths to defend the Elven people, even after all these generations. They can speak Elvish and understand common speak.
2d20 Starlings: AC 6 [13], HD 1 hp, Att 1x swarm, THAC0 20 [-1], MV fly 40’, SV D14 W15 P16 B17 S18 (2), ML 9, AL Lawful, XP 5
Swarm: The starlings will swoop down pecking and scratching. This deals 1 damage, those who are attacked this way must make a save versus paralysis or fall prone.
Traversing the Twisting Halls
The distance between encounters is impossible to measure. The space between rooms is a labyrinthine series of catwalks, bridges, and tunnels carved from the natural caverns that twist endlessly beneath the surface.
1d8 | Random Encounters While Traveling the Twisting Halls |
1 | Party of 1d8 Beastmen Hunter-Gatherers (roll for Beastman type: 1 Goatman, 2 Dogman, 3 Sheepman, 4 Bullman, 5 Pigman, 6 Horseman. |
2 | 1d4 Elf Ghouls. They are on the prowl and hungry for fresh flesh. They’ll trade information for meat. |
3 | Elf Specter. It doesn’t notice you’re there. It only wallows in despair. |
4 | Massive sticky spiderweb across a deep canyon. 25% chance there are giant spiders nesting inside. |
5 | Dr. Thresh P. Mono, gnome merchant, has been traveling these halls with his cart for months. He’ll trade you 250 gp of his goods for a drawn map to the nearest exit. (The players have to draw a map and turn it in). |
6 | An ancient dried-up corpse. 75% chance it’s a dead elf. 22% chance it’s a dwarf riddled with arrows. 3% chance it’s a freshly dead adventurer. |
7 | A portion of the bridge crumbles beneath the weight of centuries. One player with the lowest initiative must make a save versus death or fall 100 ft. The bridge is still usable. |
8 | A portion of the bridge crumbles beneath the weight of centuries. One player with the lowest initiative must make a save versus death or fall 100 ft. The bridge is no longer usable. (the party might be cut off completely unless they can come up with a way to traverse the expanse). |